Want to discover when to book the cheapest flight? Set up a Price Alert
Timing is everything, especially when it comes to finding the best flight deals. By setting up Skyscanner’s Price Alerts on your phone or computer, you’ll get time on your side and know when the price drops for your favourite flight routes.
Set up Price Alerts and start travel planning like a pro
Airfare can fluctuate on a daily—and sometimes hourly—basis. Price Alerts for flights take away the hassle of tracking these changes. Instead of searching for the same flight over and over, you can let Skyscanner do the work for you.
Here’s how to sign up for Price Alerts on the Skyscanner app in four simple steps:
Do a search for your desired flight route and start checking out the best deals.
When scrolling through the deals, you’ll see the notification called ‘Like these flights?’ It’s the bell icon in the bottom left corner. Just click on the toggle to get the latest flight price updates.
Alternatively, you can click on the bell icon on the top right of your phone screen on the Skyscanner app.
Sign in to your Skyscanner account or create an account to get Price Alerts. You’ll get a notification when that flight price drops and you can book the best deal.
That’s it! You can turn flight notifications on and off anytime by going into your profile and updating the settings.
On desktop? Do a search and let the deals roll in.
Like with the Skyscanner app, just type in your desired departure city and destination.
The flight deals will begin to appear on the next screen, and then click on the top left of the screen (right under the search bar) labeled ‘Get Price Alerts’.
If you’re not already, log into your Skyscanner account or create an account if you haven’t signed up yet to get price alerts.
Done! Just wait for that notification when the price drops and you can grab your perfect flight deal while you’re on the go.
Once you sign up for Skyscanner’s Price Alerts, you will get notified whenever the price of your desired flight has increased or decreased. This means that you get all the information to book your flight at the right moment, without needing to constantly check if the price has changed.
Travel tip: set up multiple Price Alerts
There’s no limit to setting Price Alerts. So if you’re looking to snag the best flight deal, set up Price Alerts for other airports close to your chosen locations (departure and destination) and play around with different travel dates. That way, you’ll get notified in case there are better deals on alternative routes for your trip.
Follow the price trends for all your favourite destinations until you’re ready to book! Fly to your dream destination with peace of mind that you booked the best deal.